I just finished my call with my coach. I have to recognize that I’m pretty happy about the interview.
My coach understood really well the situation and my feelings. Obviously, I did not overreact.
She said that I was more into the second field of conversation: the debate. I wanted to argue my position. I’m now curious to learn more about it in the next classroom. She said I might have a stronger behavior than other people. She means I do not stop under social pressure. I prefer say things. If things are clear, the communication is better quality.
Usually, people have a wrong interpretation of communication because of their own filters. By explaining to people what I feel, or why I am acting this way, the communication is not distorted. She explains me an exercise she did at her home school. Questions were asked to people. The goal was to figure out if the person was more creative, classical ect... Each profile has a specific way to feel situation or to act. It was then easier for the other team member to understand why that person was acting that way. This exercise contributed to erase filters which leaded to wrong interpretation.
She also asked me what I could have done to fix the situation. Actually, I was thinking about explain to that person how what he said make me feel. How it is interpreted in my culture. But I did not do it. I wasn’t sure about his reaction. He might be part of people who become suddenly deaf and stubborn when they are in a situation of conflict. Again another filter’s problem.
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